Ministry Cells

Cells are small groups focusing on a particular area or commonality. Cells meet on a regular basis to promote fellowship, community and spiritual growth.


Youth Cell (ages 2 and up) TBA (Please call for Dates and Time) Onn hold due to COVID

This Cell focuses on the spiritual growth and development of the youth to help them grow in their relationship with God and to connect with other youth believers.


Men’s Fellowship Cell 4th Saturday of the Month (6:00 PM) On hold due to COVID

The purpose of this cell is to focus on the needs of men and their development into the MAN OF GOD that God created them to be in their faith, in their homes, on their jobs and in every aspect of life.


Women’s Fellowship Cell 4th Saturday of the Month (6:00 PM)On hold due to COVID

The purpose of this cell is to reach out to women and provide a community of love, support and fellowship to restore them in every area of life.


Music Ministry Cell Every Friday Night (8:00 PM)

This cell exist to prepare the atmosphere to be conducive for entrance of the presence of God.


New Members Cell Sunday Morning (9:30 AM) On hold due to COVID

The purpose of this cell is to introduce the new members to the culture of the church.


Prayer Cell Every Thursday Night (7:30 PM) Online Only

The purpose of this cell is to pray for the needs of the people; spiritual, emotional, financial and social.


Restoration and Recovery Cell (Specialty Cell) **Scheduled as Needed**

This cell focuses on deliverance and restoration of an individual personal hurts, habits and hang ups.



Inner Ministries and Departments

 Arts & Drama Ministry... Minister Verta Larkins

Audio/Visual Department... Deacon Sylvia White


The Ministry of Helps...

Music Ministry Cell Every Wednesday Night (7:30 PM)

This cell exists to prepare the atmosphere to be conducive for the entrance of the presence of God.

Custodial Department... Deacon Kieca Cole

Ushers & Greeters Ministry... Sister Hiwartha Donaldson